
How To Draw A Climate

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(Independent) The climate crisis could make Covid-19 feel like a mere flesh wound. Alright, we'll call it a draw ( divider line


More: Interesting, Global warming, Climate change, Climate summits, Cop26, United Kingdom, global temperatures, Mary Robinson, test of leaders

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1513 clicks; posted to Main » on 02 Nov 2021 at 7:23 PM (12 days ago)   | Favorite |   share:  Share on Twitter share via Email Share on Facebook

If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. If you put a frog in a pot of cool water, then slowly raise the temperature, it will eventually cook to death.

And so it goes.

For more recipes, like and subscribe to my channel.

Only 5million dead from climate change? That's a huge win compared to the path we are on.

I thought we were taking g radical action. All those G20 people flipped a coin in to that fountain, right? View Full Size

Yeah but inconveniencing job creators would be much worse.

They announced today that 5-11 year olds can get their shots so hoofarkinray

the unabomber was right: I thought we were taking g radical action. All those G20 people flipped a coin in to that fountain, right?

[ image 850x760]

Boris Johnson looks like he's just waiting for everyone else to flip their coins in first so he can wade in and collect them later.

Ain't nothin' gonna happen.

And yet the Washington Post just published a sneering opinion piece by Marc Thiessen saying that 'climate change' is perfectly manageable, and only elitists are worried about it.

You know what they say, the 26th time we do something is when we finally get serious.

beezeltown: If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. If you put a frog in a pot of cool water, then slowly raise the temperature, it will eventually cook to death.

And so it goes.

For more recipes, like and subscribe to my channel.

Nah, the frog will jump out as soon as the water gets too hot. I mean...assuming you didn't drop him in 3 inches of water at the bottom of a lobster pot or some sadistic shiat.

The COVID decade was the kick off for the Climate Depression Century.

The issue with solving climate change is that the time do it was before it became a problem, not after.  You basically need Manhattan project level teams working on 5 or 6 holy grail type projects in science :  tokamaks, RTSCs , electrocatalysts for CO2RR , lithium air batteries, organic perovskite solar cells, and electrocatalyts for ammonia synthesis.  None of them will be achieved as commercially viable before 2040.

No shiat.  Covid was just a warm-up to see how we handle disruptions.
We're all going to die.

Leader O'Cola: The issue with solving climate change is that the time do it was before it became a problem, not after.  You basically need Manhattan project level teams working on 5 or 6 holy grail type projects in science :  tokamaks, RTSCs , electrocatalysts for CO2RR , lithium air batteries, organic perovskite solar cells, and electrocatalyts for ammonia synthesis.  None of them will be achieved as commercially viable before 2040.

We have existing technology that if built out on a scale comparable to fossil fuel infrastructure would provide for our needs. Ideally we would cut energy use by building trains, making houses much more efficient (passive house), and so on. Even grid scale batteries exist, even if they are not ideal, but pumped water storage is also well known and could be used in any place with hills or mountains.

The problem is not developing technology. We have existing technology that works. The problem is deploying that technology on the scale necessary and replacing existing technology - particularly replacing existingindustry which for obvious reasons is very, very hostile to new technology that is there to replace it.

The Lord tells me he can get me out of this mess but he's pretty sure you're fooked.

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Remember: The ultra-rich plan is to leave the planet.

So you can see just how much effort they're going to spend on this.

I have been reading the free lance journalism of H.L. Mencken for the Baltimore Sun in 1912 for some time now.

One of his big set pieces is the Typhoid Fever and the lies and propaganda of the business elite and politicians to prevent sane and simple measures to prevent that disease, such as the use of hydrocholoride (a mild acid or bleach) to prevent the epidemic. He also laments almost daily the ignorance and pure malice of pseudo-religion, pseudo-medicine and pure arrant nonsense, which also fought long and hard to preserve the epidemics and bullshiat belief systems.

In other words, although it is a satirist writing in 1912, it couldn't be more topical and relevant in 2021.

One surprise is Mencken's eloquent and honest critique of the anti-sufraggette politics of his day. I thought he was supposed to be anti-woman (see The Defense of Women) but he kicks anti-sufraggette politics all to pieces.

Business, machine politics, and quackery and snake oil. Fundamentalism, evangelicalism and religio-political fraud.

These are still the enemies of fact, logic, truth, and reason today and if anything more powerful and prevelant.

Given the success of such people and dogmatic institutions in fighting hygeine, public health, safety and education for centuries, you can be sure that the Anti-Climate Science conspirators have not yet begun to fight.

Their ancestors killed the prophets, the poets, the philosophers, the artists and the scientists for thousands of years, and so it goes, and so it goes, and so it goes (Kurt Vonnegut Jr.).

Facts and logic are anathema to the fools and scoundrels of this benighted flyspeck called Earth although it is over 70% covered with water, and 99% of the volume inhabitable to life is also water, mostly very cold and salty.

There's no chance the world can confront climate change uniformly. We're well and truly f*cked. Nothing can be done.

I hereby demand that I be given a Fark account: Remember: The ultra-rich plan is to leave the planet.

So you can see just how much effort they're going to spend on this.

Our only play is to sabotage their escape. If we gotta go, they are coming with us.

Leader O'Cola: The issue with solving climate change is that the time do it was before it became a problem, not after.  You basically need Manhattan project level teams working on 5 or 6 holy grail type projects in science :  tokamaks, RTSCs , electrocatalysts for CO2RR , lithium air batteries, organic perovskite solar cells, and electrocatalyts for ammonia synthesis.  None of them will be achieved as commercially viable before 2040.

Actually you just need regenerative farming.

But you would be going up against Big Ag, bio fuel subsidies, beef feed lots and monoculture farming so good luck with that.

If you think think the right wing had childish tantrums about something as simple as getting vaccinated, just wait until they're expected to lift more than a finger to save the planet.  We're doomed, no thanks to the idiots.

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Fine. When do the lockdowns start?

If you think wearing a paper mask is an inconvenience, just wait until you have to wear a hazmat suit and carry an oxygen tank around.

SanityIsAFullTimeJob: Fine. When do the lockdowns start?

I'm fine with lockdowns, lockdowns are easy. Unfortunately I suspect climate change won't bring something pleasant like a nice simple lockdown.

If covid falls under pestilence, we're due the arrival of famine and war.

Not if COVID kills you first.

brantgoose: I have been reading the free lance journalism of H.L. Mencken for the Baltimore Sun in 1912 for some time now.

One of his big set pieces is the Typhoid Fever and the lies and propaganda of the business elite and politicians to prevent sane and simple measures to prevent that disease, such as the use of hydrocholoride (a mild acid or bleach) to prevent the epidemic. He also laments almost daily the ignorance and pure malice of pseudo-religion, pseudo-medicine and pure arrant nonsense, which also fought long and hard to preserve the epidemics and bullshiat belief systems.

In other words, although it is a satirist writing in 1912, it couldn't be more topical and relevant in 2021.

One surprise is Mencken's eloquent and honest critique of the anti-sufraggette politics of his day. I thought he was supposed to be anti-woman (see The Defense of Women) but he kicks anti-sufraggette politics all to pieces.

Business, machine politics, and quackery and snake oil. Fundamentalism, evangelicalism and religio-political fraud.

These are still the enemies of fact, logic, truth, and reason today and if anything more powerful and prevelant.

Given the success of such people and dogmatic institutions in fighting hygeine, public health, safety and education for centuries, you can be sure that the Anti-Climate Science conspirators have not yet begun to fight.

Their ancestors killed the prophets, the poets, the philosophers, the artists and the scientists for thousands of years, and so it goes, and so it goes, and so it goes (Kurt Vonnegut Jr.).

Facts and logic are anathema to the fools and scoundrels of this benighted flyspeck called Earth although it is over 70% covered with water, and 99% of the volume inhabitable to life is also water, mostly very cold and salty.

1912. 2 years later the Great War began.

adamatari: Leader O'Cola: The issue with solving climate change is that the time do it was before it became a problem, not after.  You basically need Manhattan project level teams working on 5 or 6 holy grail type projects in science :  tokamaks, RTSCs , electrocatalysts for CO2RR , lithium air batteries, organic perovskite solar cells, and electrocatalyts for ammonia synthesis.  None of them will be achieved as commercially viable before 2040.

We have existing technology that if built out on a scale comparable to fossil fuel infrastructure would provide for our needs. Ideally we would cut energy use by building trains, making houses much more efficient (passive house), and so on. Even grid scale batteries exist, even if they are not ideal, but pumped water storage is also well known and could be used in any place with hills or mountains.

The problem is not developing technology. We have existing technology that works. The problem is deploying that technology on the scale necessary and replacing existing technology - particularly replacing existing industry which for obvious reasons is very, very hostile to new technology that is there to replace it.

The technology we have can not economically replace fossil fuels while delivering the same total energy the world uses.

Bowen: beezeltown: If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. If you put a frog in a pot of cool water, then slowly raise the temperature, it will eventually cook to death.

And so it goes.

For more recipes, like and subscribe to my channel.

Nah, the frog will jump out as soon as the water gets too hot. I mean...assuming you didn't drop him in 3 inches of water at the bottom of a lobster pot or some sadistic shiat.

I'm pretty sure the frogs lawyer will get him a stay and he'll serve life in the pot.

hlehmann: If you think think the right wing had childish tantrums about something as simple as getting vaccinated, just wait until they're expected to lift more than a finger to save the planet.  We're doomed, no thanks to the idiots.

The day those evil lackwits decide the existential threat is real, they will suddenly declare that it is time for action, and that the only possible action is some variety of genocide masquerading as "urgent population reduction."

Contrabulous Flabtraption: There's no chance the world can confront climate change uniformly. We're well and truly f*cked. Nothing can be done.

It might be too late to win, but it's not too late to lose less... and I'll be damned if I'm gonna give up fighting all the way down.

Bowen: beezeltown: If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. If you put a frog in a pot of cool water, then slowly raise the temperature, it will eventually cook to death.

And so it goes.

For more recipes, like and subscribe to my channel.

Nah, the frog will jump out as soon as the water gets too hot. I mean...assuming you didn't drop him in 3 inches of water at the bottom of a lobster pot or some sadistic shiat.

Not if you give him a lobotomy first.


As a billionaire, let me tell you we already know this. This is the reason we're hoarding money. We need more to survive whats coming as most will not. If you have millions of dollars or less, you're dead. Well maybe not you, but you're children won't have enough to survive. We need our billions for our family to survive.

Leader O'Cola: The technology we have can not economically replace fossil fuels while delivering the same total energy the world uses.

I did not say it would be free, although economically speaking solar is the absolute cheapest energy right now. Nor did I say we could simply replace 1 to 1 existing energy usage. Obviously going by train instead of car or airplane not be exactly the same. Certainly the amount of energy used in the developed world has to be reduced to a sustainable and reasonable amount, and that will mean changes.

What I said is we could maintain comfortable lives. We will certainly NOT have those if we let climate change get much worse. It's a false economy to say that what we're doing now is not costing us and that switching to renewables is not "economic". When you're tempting earth system changes that could lead to massive international instability, war, famine, and death, you don't get to call it more "economically sensible" to keep keep doing the same things.

Madman drummers bummers: Ain't nothin' gonna happen.

Theres a "good" missing in your cut n paste reply. It's nice to be able to count on the fact that no matter what's being discussed, someone is going to chime in with the most banal answer ever created by man.

frankb00th: Madman drummers bummers: Ain't nothin' gonna happen.

Theres a "good" missing in your cut n paste reply. It's nice to be able to count on the fact that no matter what's being discussed, someone is going to chime in with the most banal answer ever created by man.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Were you under the impression that my comment implied that climate change isn't going to happen? Because it doesn't. It meant that no government, no corporation, no group is going to do anything meaningful to combat climate change. It'll all be plastic straw bans -- lot of show, no real impact. We're boned, I've accepted that we're boned, civilization is coming to an explosive end and I'm going to ride this sucker down with a big smile on my face because I spent 40 years caring and the last two years have convinced me that no matter what, there will always be a contingent of willfully ignorant contrarians rolling coal in the rest of our faces because no one will make them face any consequences for that.

Or did you read it as intended and are now rolling coal at me?

Whatever. The time to do something about climate change was 30 years ago. Now it's too late.

Uhhh, you do realize the world is slowly going mad.
Not the majority of us...
Just enough to kick the rest of us around

First the media threw some off their rocker
Then the political environment of the past few years
Then the pandemic
Now climate chaos

See ya in the insane asylum
Not any place, just everywhere
Like The Purge, but with kooks and idiots

Madman drummers bummers: frankb00th: Madman drummers bummers: Ain't nothin' gonna happen.

Theres a "good" missing in your cut n paste reply. It's nice to be able to count on the fact that no matter what's being discussed, someone is going to chime in with the most banal answer ever created by man.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Were you under the impression that my comment implied that climate change isn't going to happen? Because it doesn't. It meant that no government, no corporation, no group is going to do anything meaningful to combat climate change. It'll all be plastic straw bans -- lot of show, no real impact. We're boned, I've accepted that we're boned, civilization is coming to an explosive end and I'm going to ride this sucker down with a big smile on my face because I spent 40 years caring and the last two years have convinced me that no matter what, there will always be a contingent of willfully ignorant contrarians rolling coal in the rest of our faces because no one will make them face any consequences for that.

Or did you read it as intended and are now rolling coal at me?

Whatever. The time to do something about climate change was 30 years ago. Now it's too late.

I guess I should have stuck to my directive of not responding to short posts because they can mean a multitude of different things depending on the individual posting it.
I find that sentence used a a reply to be lazy, boring and banal.
My mistake however, was to allow my distaste for it to be directed at you as a person and making assumptions about your meaning. I should have kept my frustration to myself since you are not the first nor the last one to use it on fark.
I'm sorry I pissed you off.
Im not sorry I got you to spell out how you felt about the issue much more eloquently however.
Hope we're good....

So instead of having a large group of people who deny that it exists and actively fight any attempts to do anything about it instead well know I really don't see much a difference between the two.

frankb00th: Madman drummers bummers: frankb00th: Madman drummers bummers: Ain't nothin' gonna happen.

Theres a "good" missing in your cut n paste reply. It's nice to be able to count on the fact that no matter what's being discussed, someone is going to chime in with the most banal answer ever created by man.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Were you under the impression that my comment implied that climate change isn't going to happen? Because it doesn't. It meant that no government, no corporation, no group is going to do anything meaningful to combat climate change. It'll all be plastic straw bans -- lot of show, no real impact. We're boned, I've accepted that we're boned, civilization is coming to an explosive end and I'm going to ride this sucker down with a big smile on my face because I spent 40 years caring and the last two years have convinced me that no matter what, there will always be a contingent of willfully ignorant contrarians rolling coal in the rest of our faces because no one will make them face any consequences for that.

Or did you read it as intended and are now rolling coal at me?

Whatever. The time to do something about climate change was 30 years ago. Now it's too late.

I guess I should have stuck to my directive of not responding to short posts because they can mean a multitude of different things depending on the individual posting it.
I find that sentence used a a reply to be lazy, boring and banal.
My mistake however, was to allow my distaste for it to be directed at you as a person and making assumptions about your meaning. I should have kept my frustration to myself since you are not the first nor the last one to use it on fark.
I'm sorry I pissed you off.
Im not sorry I got you to spell out how you felt about the issue much more eloquently however.
Hope we're good....

You didn't piss me off. The situation pisses me off. And yeah, I can admit that my post was too ambiguous to be useful, and also lazy.

beezeltown: If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. If you put a frog in a pot of cool water, then slowly raise the temperature, it will eventually cook to death.

And so it goes.

For more recipes, like and subscribe to my channel.

Or you could just tie rocks to its legs.

According to an article in The Atlantic (The boiled-frog myth: stop the lying now!) that isn't even necessary.

"If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will (unfortunately) be hurt pretty badly before it manages to get out -- if it can. And if you put it into a pot of tepid water and then turn on the heat, it will scramble out as soon as it gets uncomfortably warm."

"Frogs have a hard enough time as it is, what with diminishing swampland and polluted waters. Political rhetoric has its problems too. For the frogs' sake, and that of less-idiotic public discourse, let's retire this stupid canard, or grenouille."

My Sober Alt: beezeltown: If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. If you put a frog in a pot of cool water, then slowly raise the temperature, it will eventually cook to death.

And so it goes.

For more recipes, like and subscribe to my channel.

Or you could just tie rocks to its legs.

According to an article in The Atlantic (The boiled-frog myth: stop the lying now!) that isn't even necessary.

"If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will (unfortunately) be hurt pretty badly before it manages to get out -- if it can. And if you put it into a pot of tepid water and then turn on the heat, it will scramble out as soon as it gets uncomfortably warm."

"Frogs have a hard enough time as it is, what with diminishing swampland and polluted waters. Political rhetoric has its problems too. For the frogs' sake, and that of less-idiotic public discourse, let's retire this stupid canard, or grenouille."

Your aggression toward amphibian gastronomy is duly noted.

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How To Draw A Climate


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